By first using photography as a fairly traditional documentary medium, I investigate and familiarize myself with my environment, using the concentration photography implies as well as its speed and accessibility.
I travel a lot, searching for previously unknown urban surroundings, which I approach with curiosity and the fresh energy of confrontation.
When working, I try, over and over again, to capture the essence of the moment in a single, but therefore repetitive, image, being guided by sensory perception and instinctive impulses while at the same time consciously using the formal aspects offered by the medium.
Secondarily, I assume the position of curator or editor of my own works. I do not attempt in creating a “definite” outcome of my work, as could be a “finished” series of photographs, but use my self-made collection as an archive and source for constantly changing works and presentations.
When working, I try to reinvent and rebuild the original motivation and experience, using my own photographs as much as (exhibition) spaces or books, as equal ingredients for the total.
I consider the specific aspects of, and the relationship between, different media and try to achieve a unity and balance between content, form and presentation.